Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Time Management

Hi, Everybody. How are you all? I survived the LUW Spring Workshop without having a nervous breakdown. Barely. It did go well enough, I suppose, but I think I'll let some other lucky person do the honors next year. The highlights of the event had to be Dan Wells, Elana Johnson, and Clint Johnson. They each gave awesomesauce a whole new meaning.

Now, if I can just survive playing the role of the Fairy Godmother in a local production of Cinderella and I. Odds on my survival are only fair, however. (So, if you never hear from me again after next Tuesday, let me tell you how incredible I think you are!) While trying to find a white wig, a blue dress and a silver cape, I'm seriously getting a nervous tic. (We've already established the fact I'm not a performer.) Anyway, I'll let you know wether my reviews are merely mediocre or completely disastrous.

How do you find the time to do all you do, blogger buddies? I know you are each terribly busy balancing your daily responsibilities with your desire to create and write. Here is a brief overview of my last six weeks: Easter, three of my kids birthdays, my birthday, my 17th wedding anniversary, Mother's Day, two week stomach flu, and doing tons of stuff for the writer's workshop. This is not a normal schedule for me. April and May are always overwhelming months. And maybe December. But the rest of my year is completely boring. I spend most of my days doing housework with a couple hours of driving carpool thrown in to spice things up.

Ah, here's the rub, blogger buddies. When do I write? My kids hate it when I'm in my office during the day. They go to great lengths to disturb me. My husband hates my writing at night. In those odd moments when nobody's around, I am often too tired to focus on the computer, and I almost get a phobia about sitting at my desk. Don't make me go into the dark room, I say to myself. I don't want to use my brain again. It hurts!

I'm sure you are far more organized than I am. Please, tell me your secrets for daily writing success. How do you do it? Do you have a laptop? Should I get one? Do you set writing goals? Is the key to making progress on your WIP tenacity or discipline? (Wow. That's a whole lotta big questions.)

Have a great Wednesday, writer friends.


  1. Roxy,
    I think you're amazing in that you have any time to write at all, with that busy schedule. I don't do much writing--just a little blogging and I know how it tends to get crowded out when life is more pressing. But we wouldn't have it the other way around, so let's all just do the best we can and figure out our own tricks for time management!

    Keep up the great work,

  2. Wow! You ARE busy. I tend to fit writing around family so it seems to be either early morning or late night. Sometimes during the pockets in between (waiting in the doc's office, the car, etc).
    Winged Writer

  3. Lately I haven't been juggling things well, but normally I just make daily goals and do my best to achieve them. It's hard when you have all kinds of other stuff going on. I have a daily word count goal, and that helps me stay on task. I am also really strict about my free time. I try not to goof off until I get at least my word count goal done. Sometimes I do exactly the minimum, like when I am tired, but most of the time I go over a little bit.

    Good luck!

  4. Well I'm glad you survived the conference! I so wish I could have gone, I was planning to and then just simply ran out of time.

    you are so busy! I don't know how you do all that you do. I only have three kids and I feel like my life is always crammed with too much to do and not enough time to get it done.

    I am not good at time management or being organized, that has been one of my goals all year long. But the only way I fit in time to write is if I get up early. That's all the help I can give, sorry :)

  5. There aren't enough hours in the days! In the end something has got to give. When I first started blogging, my writing got hit. lately, I've cooled off and try hard to remember that my family is #1, writing #2, and blogging #3. Amongst other things, like grocery shopping and stuff!

    Great post!

  6. I'm surviving on three cups of coffee and possibly fairy dust.

    Hang in there. I hope it gets better. Writing is often the first thing to go when it should be the last.

  7. I block out a section of time to get my writing done (when the kids are at school). It seems to work. But I don't know what I'll do this summer. =)

  8. I have no answer to that question. I've struggled with it my entire adult life. Make priorities, lists and every so often stay up all night.

  9. There is just no such thing as balance. It's as mythical as a unicorn. Keep it within normal limits, and know that sometimes the writing will suffer, and sometimes the fam will, too. They can't all be first.

  10. I write when my kids are in preschool mostly. During first draft, my goal is 1000 words a day, which only takes about an hour. But, it gets books written! Revising/rewriting is harder, because I really need to focus, so I pick a week where I have more free time and husbandly help and just get it done. But, yeah, it's hard!

  11. I don't set goals while writing. But editing is a different story. I like to make sure I edit at least a chapter. Or give myself a couple of hours and see how much I get done.
    I tend to slot writing in when I can.
    Although, sometimes writing or family suffer when time is tight.

  12. That's the million dollar question: "When do I find time to write?" Well, I haven't these past few months. Grrr....

    If you find the million dollar answer - you let me now!'s weird that my blog post for tommorow is done and it's oddly similar to this one.


  13. Finding the difficult! I prioritize the best that I can, but I do find that balancing it all is a bit tricky. I just found your blog, so I'll be stopping by from now on!

  14. I run around with a notebook and a collection of pens. When I have time, I sit and write (I love doing that in coffee shops). I also have a dictaphone (yep, really) in my handbag, just in case. I like telling my stories out loud into the dictaphone when I walk my dogs (I live in the countryside, so no weird looks from passers-by). ; P

  15. This is going to be the subject of my next blog post - when I have the time to write it!!

  16. Hi

    Well done with the LUW Spring workshop running! Well I am most impressed by how you manage to get your writing done and do all the other things you do!! I too am in awe of the writers like yourself who blog, facebook, twitter, raise families, foster animals, rule the world and run a budget. I'm most impressed.

    There just aren't enough hours in the day for me and all I have is a kitty to look after.

    take care

  17. Well, children and husband do make finding writing time difficult. I've been there. But not being there anymore, it's easier. My disabled daughter is high maintenance, but I don't have to work at a "job" so I do have much free time. Just make time for blogging and writing when you can. There's a time and a season...

  18. I don't have any answers for you. I'm in the same boat. The kids ONLY pay attention to me when I'm trying to write. That's sooo irritating! The only difference is that my husband works nights, so he's in bed early. If I can tough it out til the kids are in bed I have the house to myself and I can write as long as I like.

    Happy 17th Anniversary--I had my 17th last month too.

  19. two things - a daily goal is the first but the most important is to tell your kids and your husband that you are a writer and in order to be a writer you must write! You can do that respectfully and even with humour but firmness must be part of it too. If your kids are young young (are they?) then you have to figure out how they can be distracted without you feeling like a BAD mother - Margaret Drabble did all her early writing with kids hanging off her at every moment. If they are old enough then it is you being so sure and confident that it is the right thing for you to do that they will get it. And make them part of the CONSTANT celebrations of goals met as in "I made it to the end of my first draft - we're going to the movies" or "once I get my thousand words done I'm up for some crazy pillow fight". With your husband, you may of course, pick other forms of celebration...
    I know you can do it.

  20. Organized? Not a chance! :)

    My life is nutty. My job consumes anywhere from 50 to 75 hours during a normal week. Then there's the hubby and the kids. And the house and the laundry and the... Then blogging and writing.

    Real life comes first. Writing next. I don't usually get any time until late evenings. Or weekends.

    I don't set goals -- I get too depressed if I don't meet them. I'd rather do what I can when I can - at least I know I'm moving forward (even if it's not at light speed)

  21. Wow, you get to be a Fairy God Mother! I'm so jealous :)

    I just try to write everyday. When I can't write, I try to think of the next scene in my head, so when I do, write it comes out easy.

  22. Wow! You've had a lot going on. I admire you for being so strong and still having the desire to write while in the midst of so many other things. I struggle with balancing writing and life, so I'm not the best to give advice. But I do wish you good luck! And break a leg in Cinderella!

  23. I will say that even though I am a grandmother with no children at home and not job to worry about, I still have trouble juggling time and energy to write. No matter what your life style is, it takes discipline no matter what your day or week is like and I dont always have what it takes. You have a full plate - we all just have to pray for peace and concentration. Blessings!

  24. Wow, I'm impressed that you've managed all of that with or without writing. For me writing is a mixture of both tenacity and discipline. I actually loathe the moment each day I open my laptop and set to work, but I force myself through it. It's hard. Especially when your brain feels like scrambled eggs.

  25. I used to hang a blue ribbon on the door of my home office...which meant "do not disturb, mom is on the keyboard...attempting something brilliant". It didn't fool them. They invaded my domain with glee. So I usually ended up writing something wicked about them. You just got another Stop by my place for a mini-vacation.

  26. Laptops are life savers, though they don't help with the brain pains. I get those too. :)

  27. I told myself a long time ago, if I like to write I need to claim 30 minutes out of each day to do just that. If you do this every day you will be surprised how it will add up.

    Don't give up. Remember your family is highest on your list, but you don't have to give up on your dreams. Write.

  28. Good luck on the Cinderella show!!

    And how do I find time to do all that I do? I don't. lol *shakes fist at blog and twitter*

  29. You're playing a fairy godmother? How fun!

    Don't stress if you're not writing every single day. As long as you DO make time for it.

  30. I am a good multitasker and that helps a lot. As well as the fact that my SO is willing to step in a lot of the time.

    Enjoy the rest of your week.

  31. How do I find time? I don't. I just prioritise the most important things and the rest gets cobbled together in some fashion. That's the best I can do.


  32. Oh I relate with this one! I've never found a magical answer. I take one day at a time. I can't really structure the time because I don't have two days that are exactly the same - especially with my children's schedules. I write when I can squeeze it inside a day, including blogging.

  33. Roxy, I am disciplined to a fault. (Check out my blog post today if you want an example.) You are simply over scheduled right now. If I have to practice being a little less disciplined, you need to practice saying one little word: no. I know, I know, it's easy to say. Unless you are standing in front of someone. You are very nice, maybe to a fault :) But, yes, life does get in the way. I have solved this by under-committing myself as much as humanly possible (read: saying no) without feeling too much guilt, cleaning my house and doing all my laundry on just one day a week (older kids are responsible for doing their own laundry), and the rest of the days I put a specific amount of time into my WIP first, before I look at anything else. And I stick to it, probably much more firmly than I should. I agree, life is a balancing act, and it's hard!
    PS I loved the comment about the carpool spicing things up, it made me smile.

  34. It's different every day for me. I just go with whatever the day affords me.

  35. Time management is a bit of a problem myself.
    I am still finding effective ways on how to manage my time wisely.
    How to become a police officer

  36. Just have to get rid of those bathroom breaks. Priorities!!!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. A laptop is helpful if you want to run away and hide to write. I also write in snippets, use notecards, carry a notebook. Wow! You had much to celebrate!

  39. Well, first---balance? Ha! Good luck with that. (I did much better with it prior to having a blog! ;)

    YES, a laptop helps a LOT. I can write from any location I desire, including sitting more writing in a cave, unless I want to.

    Also, I am surviving off 4-5 hours of sleep/night lately...and I still can't catch up.

    I unplugged for a week last week, from the blogosphere, and that helped me a bit.
    It's hard. Really hard.

    If you find the answer, the magic pill, please, PLEASE let me know.

    Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  40. Hey, Roxy-- I just left an award for you on my blog--'cuz I think your blog is cool. (= Go pick it up if you like and then pass it on! Glad I found ya, girl. (=

  41. Funny, my last post, also included this as one of my goals, better time management! I look
    forward to visiting you; I love the look of your blog!!! I think we have to schedule ourselves in our day, a few minutes here and there, can create miracles~ Or should I way
    write miracles?!

  42. My life is nowhere near as busy as yours, but I have a dedicated writing time, every day, and I don't let people disturb it (easier said than done, I know, since I don't have kids!). But maybe you can start with small chunks for time, say 10 minutes, and work up?

  43. I scratch out a to-do list at night, one that I ignore the following morning. Well, not completely.

    We can only do our best, right?

  44. So needed this, thank you.

    The only way I can find to make time is to cut out sleep...
