Friday, July 8, 2011

Worst Cold Ever

I've been laid low for what seems like forever with the worst cold. I can't even read. Or think. Or focus on anything interesting. That's the real bummer. I just lay around with my eyes closed--breathing like a surfacing dolphin--while listening to the drone of the television. Where is my immune system when I need it?

Luckily, a local editor is working on my story even if I am not. Thank you, Angela!

Hope you're well and happy, blogging friends. Are you busy being industrious or enjoying a little R&R?

Whatever you do, stay clear of the dreaded summer cold.


  1. So sorry! Hope you are feeling better sooner than soon!!! :O)

  2. Take care of yourself. Get better soon.

  3. May I recommend Grape Fruit Seed Extract, 10 - 15 drops in juice or water twice a day. Also Oil of Oregano, 2 or 3 drops if you can stand it! These will knock it right out of you - I know from much experience. Be better soon.

  4. Oh no! Summer colds are the worst and you can't read?! Gah!
    Feel better soon, we're missing you like crazy. :D

  5. Oh Roxy!! You rest and look after yourself please!! You need to build up that immune system!!!! So take care please and thank you Angela too for looking after Roxy's novel while she's getting better! Yay! take care

  6. Roxy, I hope you feel better soon!!

  7. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! That sucks.

    I am suffering from morning sickness, so I sort of feel your pain. Most of the time I am so tired and queasy I don't have the brain for writing for very long. Then it's time to lay around on the couch until it's time for bed. :D

  8. Unfortunately, I am sharing the same horrible cold. It is awful. No energy!

  9. I just got done with the neighborhood garage sale. Now, I'm off to a week at a lake in a cabin with my boys. Hope you're feeling better, soon!

  10. Hope you're feeling better, Roxy. Be well.

  11. You can't read?!! That really must be some terrible, terrible cold! I hope you get well soon.

  12. Hope you're on the road to recovery.

  13. Oh, no!! I was stricken with this evil germ beast myself last weekend. I hope you're on the mend and enjoying a cocktail or some...Bradley Cooper movie or something. Be well!

  14. I hope you feel better soon. I've gone through the same thing, and with sinus! Yuk! I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. God bless and get well soon.
    M.J. Macie

  15. Oh no! Get well soon, Roxy, and eat lots of vitamin c. My immunity is down right now and I've been feeling low but not as low as your describe. Yikes!


  16. Sorry to hear you were sick. I hope you're feeling better.

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  17. Oh Roxy. I'm so sorry to hear you've been under the weather. I hope you are feeling better now. I hate colds this time of the year. ((hugs))

  18. I hope that dreaded cold has been out of your system for a good long time by now. Having a good summer? Thinking of you.

  19. I really enjoy your writerly style. Please write more so we can enjoy your words!

  20. You have a fabulous blog! I want to award you with one of my homemade awards: Powerful Woman Writer Award for all the hard work you do!
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  21. Hope you are feeling much better by now and writing again. Summer colds are the worst. Somehow the hot weather makes them particularly uncomfortable.

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