Thursday, January 6, 2011

Life Vs. Fiction

Sometimes life gives fiction a run for its money.

For example, a friend of my family once told me the true story of his "wicked" granny. The aforementioned lady lived in the late 1800's, and she was the lovely daughter of a good, upstanding family. Here is where the wicked part comes in. This prim, recently-engaged woman entered the local post office to mail some letters and saw a handsome stranger across the lobby. They were instantly drawn to one another, as if they had no other choice, as if the universe or fate had stepped in and arranged their meeting. Dazzled and giddy, these two didn't question their good fortune. They ran away together and got married that day, leaving the girl's family, and her former sweetheart, agog. What makes this tale even more amazing? They loved each other for more than six decades. Until death parted them.

I first heard this story as a teenager, and I thought it was Romeo and Juliet come to life. Wonderful, romantic, unconventional, and innocently daring.

Those unexpected, little ironies that life tosses our way often make the best stories of all. Indeed, miracles can happen, even in this cynical old world. Ever have an experience that's truly stranger than fiction?


  1. What a sweet story. I love it!

  2. What a wonderful love story! Much of my life has been stranger than fiction but I think that has a lot to do with where I work. There was one thing, I was kicked in the face by a horse five years ago. Now that is an experience to write about!

  3. That's a wonderful story!

    Some true things are often stranger than fiction; especially if they involve coincidence.

  4. Great story. I've had a day which was very surreal because coincidences seemed to happen and it didn't feel real. Those are just weird days.

  5. That is such an awesome story!!!!!!! Stuff like that just doesn't happen anymore!!

    My family has kind of a cool/weird story. My dad's father was running from the la for years....I'm not even sure of the reason, but he had changed his name several times. Back then, no one questioned that stuff. The last name on my dad's birth certificate is not the last name his father was given at birth. (It was his middle name, actually!) So my maiden name was one thing, but it really should have been something else. And it's a little fuzzy on how my grandfather actually died...I was told gangrene from a stab wound to his leg. He died when my dad was only 1-1/2.

    And then there's the cliche soap opera drama that's knows as my cousin's life. One day out of the blue, her husband gets a phone call..."Guess what, you're a dad to a seven year old!" Could you even imagine that????

  6. I don't have any real-life stories I can think of off the top of my head...but I really want to go to the post office now.

  7. It seems that at times my life is a comedy that no one could have written.... :O)

  8. Oh I do like a good romantic true life stories like these!! I think those who not only survive wars and conflict but thrive after are amazing stories. I just saw a documentary about a little Haitian baby caught in the earthquake but found, rescued, brought to England to receive treatment and against all the odds, her mother was found!

    Lovely! Take care

  9. Absolutely my kind of story -- full of smiles.

  10. Funny that a woman is called wicked because she suddenly realized she needed something other than what her family expected her to do and went after it. After all, six decades of marriage is not exactly a wild fling!

  11. This sounds like something out of a fairy tale. How lovely that they were together forever!

  12. Great story. I don't have any particular moments that come to mind, but I do have those days when things happen and they are completely strange. Things falling into place that is just plain weird.

  13. Wow! That is an awesome story! I love a good real life romance. <3

  14. Interesting story. How wonderful that they were together so long!

  15. Beautiful story... I love that....

  16. Wow, true love really does exist. That's so romantic.


  17. Oh, if only my life were so exciting. Alas, it is not. But I love the story you shared!

    I also really like your blog, so I have given you an award. Hope on over to to get it!

  18. That was such a cool story. I'm a believer that true life is quite often stranger than fiction. I mean, if you wrote that in a novel, who would believe it? But it happened. I'm betting that the jilted fiance was the one who decided it was wicked. But I'll be Granny was a whole lot happier than she would have been.

  19. I'm a sucker for true, unconventional love stories. My current WIP is just that. Thanks for sharing Roxy!
